Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reopening the Etsy Store

I don't know exactly what it is - maybe it's just that I spent a huge portion of my life at my great-grandmother's place - but I am totally in love with the things of the past. Whether it's old guitars, old cars, old jewelry, or whatever, don't be surprised if some old stuff grabs my attention.
Frequently I see stuff in thrift stores, antique stores, yard sales, etc. and just can't resist picking it up. Since I know there are other people like me out there in the world, I've decided to reopen my store. It's not amazing at this point, but take a look and let me know what you think. I'd be SO stoked if I ran into some people out there on the interwebs that are into the same kind of stuff that I am.
A link to my etsy store: The Nathaniel James on etsy